[Ethereum] Expected identifier, got ‘LParen’


I try using IterableMapping by this example.
I have error when I compiling contract by truffle:

Expected identifier, got 'LParen'

This is my code:

pragma solidity ^0.4.15;

import "./itMapsLib.sol";

contract User
  using itMaps for itMaps.itMapUintAddress;

  itMaps.itMapAddressUint im_myAddressUintMap;

 function addOwner(address _key, uint value) returns (bool){
   im_myAddressUintMap.insert(_key, value);
   return true;

  function allSum() returns (uint sum) 

enter image description here

Best Answer

There is several problems with your code.

You copy paste the function prototype instead of calling it you should use im_myAddressUintMap.insert( key, value);

And you have to make this insert inside a function or inside the constructor ( function with the name of the contract )

function insert( address key, uint value ) public {
    im_myAddressUintMap.insert( key, value );

so the contract should be something like this

second import is to test on remix

pragma solidity ^0.4.15;

import "./itMapsLib.sol";  
//import "https://github.com/szerintedmi/solidity-itMapsLib/itMapsLib.sol";    

contract User
  using itMaps for itMaps.itMapAddressUint;

  itMaps.itMapAddressUint im_myAddressUintMap;

  function insert ( address key, uint value) public {
    im_myAddressUintMap.insert( key, value);

Edit : you edited your contract. The last error you have is the incorrect import of using itMaps for itMaps.itMapUintAddress; you're using itMapAddressUint

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