[Ethereum] Failing Transaction within Truffle Testing


How does one test a transaction that is supposed to fail when testing with truffle?

For example, say I was testing an ERC token, in which accounts[0] had a balance of 20. Within a test, I call ERC.transfer(accounts[1], 25, {from: accounts[0]}), hoping to make sure that this would fail. How would I confirm that it did fail?

Sure, I could check that the balances of accounts[0] and accounts[1] do not change – but it seems like there may be a more elegant way to do so. Is there a way to do this?

Best Answer

Maybe this gist can help you

export default async promise => {
  try {
    await promise;
  } catch (error) {
    // TODO: Check jump destination to destinguish between a throw
    //       and an actual invalid jump.
    const invalidJump = error.message.search('invalid JUMP') >= 0;
    // TODO: When we contract A calls contract B, and B throws, instead
    //       of an 'invalid jump', we get an 'out of gas' error. How do
    //       we distinguish this from an actual out of gas event? (The
    //       testrpc log actually show an 'invalid jump' event.)
    const outOfGas = error.message.search('out of gas') >= 0;
      invalidJump || outOfGas,
      "Expected throw, got '" + error + "' instead",
  assert.fail('Expected throw not received');
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