[Ethereum] Gas, gas price, gas cost


I have read in the documentation that the miners set the gas cost. Does this means that gas cost varies from miner to miner? If not, how it is determined?

Moreover, when a contract is referred in geth we write:

var token = tokenContract.new(
gas: 1000000

What gas is this? Is it the gas cost set by the client? Or the max gas to be used for the transaction?

Best Answer

In the transaction object { from:web3.eth.accounts[0], data:tokenCompiled.token.code, gas: 1000000 } the gas property is indeed the maximum to be used for the transaction.

The transaction object can also have a gasPrice property. Miners determine what gasPrice they are willing to accept. If the gasPrice is too small, the miner will ignore the transaction. Geth is configured so that it should provide a price that most miners will accept, but if you want your transaction to be potentially be processed faster by a miner, you can specify your own gasPrice.

Now gas cost equals the gas used by the transaction multiplied by gasPrice.

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