Web3.js, Events, Infura, Kovan – Getting Events from Kovan Testnet


I am trying to connect to Kovan testnet from a Node.js server. I have tried to connect in order to retrieve past events.
Steps tried so far:-
The connection was done via Infura. Tried these steps over multiple versions

Version 0.20.3(Version in Github):

var MyContract = web3.eth.contract(JSON);

var contractInstance = MyContract.at(contractAddress);
var events = contractInstance.allEvents({fromBlock: 5000000, toBlock: 'latest'});

events.get(function(error, logs){

Despite having events no output are produced. If Infura is the issue is there any other way I can get events from Kovan Testnet?

I tried web3-1.0.0.beta19 to connect to Infura via websockets but realised there are no websockets for Kovan.

Best Answer

I found a work around by using the zero client provider. It works in a stable manner for the Mainnet and Kovan RPC connections provided by Infura.

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