[Ethereum] geth: Failed to unlock account


I exported the private key from Metamask and wants to import it into geth. geth is running on Windows 10.

geth is started using

geth –rinkeby –rpc –rpcapi="personal,eth,network,net,web3" –rpcport 8545 –rpcaddr –unlock "0xcede48d8ac162d1b08ed9419010de3c99f2cfdd6" console

this prompts me to enter the password

Unlocking account 0xcede48d8ac162d1b08ed9419010de3c99f2cfdd6 | Attempt 1/3
Fatal: Failed to unlock account 0xcede48d8ac162d1b08ed9419010de3c99f2cfdd6 (no key for given address or file)

Why is it failing to unlock the account even though the password I entered into geth is the same password that was used to export the private key from Metamask?

Best Answer

I was having the same problem. strangely i seem to have gotten past it by first entering a blank password and then entering the real password on attempt 2/3. That worked for some reason...

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