Solidity – Getting Error Message From require()


I know that the latest Solidity supports error messages in require/revert (require(stuff, "problem")).

Are there any clients that can get this message? Will I be able to see it if I execute the transaction in Parity, or Truffle, or Remix? Will it be visible on Etherscan?

EDIT: a similar question has been asked before (Custom error message in require() not showing up?). That one was about web3 not displaying the message. I know web3 doesn't support it yet, my question was about which other clients (Parity, Remix, or, maybe, just plain RPC) support it, so I believe it's not a duplicate.

Best Answer

Remix supports it.

in a code i am working on for require(stuff..,"player doesn't exist"); i get in the console the message:

Reason provided by the contract "player doesn't exist"

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