Web3js – How to Fix web3.toWei Is Not a Function Error in Testing


i have installed web3 latest version 1.0.0-beta.36. i am using helper libraries which i used from openzeppelin when i am running the test cases using truffle test it shows error as

TypeError: web3.toWei is not a function

it's not just web3.toWei also i am also not able to use bignumber .i don't know why i am not able to use helpers from openzeppelin
this is the file with the name of ether.js in helper folder

function ether (n) {
  return new web3.BigNumber(web3.toWei(n, 'ether'));

module.exports = {

and for big number the code which shows error is


const RefundableCrowdsale = artifacts.require('RefundableCrowdsaleImpl');
const SimpleToken = artifacts.require('SimpleToken');

contract('RefundableCrowdsale', function ([_, wallet, investor, purchaser, anyone]) {
  const rate = new BigNumber(1);
  const goal = ether(48);
  const lessThanGoal = ether(45);
  const tokenSupply = new BigNumber('1e22');

i have installed chai-bignumber and web3

Best Answer

there is some error in the beta version of truffle 5.0.0-beta.0 so i changed the version to truffle 4.1.14. now all the test cases are running properly.