Solidity – Mist Error: Couldn’t Estimate Gas, Resorting to Default Parameters


What is this error message in red:

Couldn't estimate gas, resorting to default parameters. 
Transaction is likely cheaper than the estimate

What is this error message in red

I have written a smart contract:

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

contract MyFirstContract {
    uint256 counter =0;

    function increase() public {

    function  decrease() public{

    function getCounter() public constant  returns (uint256) {
        return counter;

At the time of contact creation, it has estimated 77,829 gas and I set the maximum gas to 877,829.

When I execute a function on the contract, why do I get this error message in red?

Kindly guide me as I am a beginner in Ethereum.

Best Answer

I had the same issue in my Ethereum wallet and i couldn't even transfer ether between accounts. Later I found that this is an issue with the version of my Ethereum Wallet which was v0.11.0. Then when I changed into v0.9.3, it worked fine.

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