[Ethereum] Getting “VM Exception while executing eth_call: invalid opcode”


I have a very basic contract to test out some functionality, but when I call the functions getContractAddress() and getThrowaway(), I get the invalid opcode error. I'm using truffle and testrpc, and I get the error after running some commands in truffle console (below).

Here is the full contract in question:

pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

import "./MetaCoin.sol";

contract Guess {

// Constructor, gives this contract 10k coins
function Guess(){
    MetaCoin metaCoin = new MetaCoin(); //I think this should give the contract 10k coins

function getContractAddress() constant returns (address){
    return this;

function getThrowaway() constant returns (string){
    return "Hello";


And here are the commands I'm running in truffle console.

guess = Guess.deployed();
guess.then(function(instance){return instance.getThrowaway.call();})

Same problem when I run getContractAddress().

Here is the full repo for reference: https://github.com/willikers19/GuessTheEth

When I run commands in a similar fashion from this contract (https://github.com/willikers19/ethereum-demo-tools/blob/master/GeektSolidity/contracts/Geekt.sol), they succeed so it feels like I'm doing something wrong.

Best Answer


var guess;
.then(function(instance) {
  guess = instance;
  return guess.getContractAddress.call()
.then(function(response) {
  console.log("Response:", response);

Hope it helps.

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