[Ethereum] How are double mappings indexed



  1. Wallets have sums paid to them for different tokens.


  1. Wallet address maps to totalpaid by token.


  1. Two mappings, one for wallet address, one for a token label (designed to be an integer based on a second struct)


  1. Integer constant expected

This line fails –

 uint _TotalPaid = PaymentDetail[_TokenIndex][_Wallet].TotalPaid;

Has anyone any ideas about how to solve this error?

Here is the code –

    struct PaymentDetail {
        uint TotalPaid;

    mapping (bytes32 => mapping (uint => PaymentDetail[]) ) public PaymentDetails; 

    function addPaymentDetail (bytes32 _Wallet, uint _TokenIndex, uint _Payment) public {
        uint _TotalPaid = PaymentDetail[_TokenIndex][_Wallet].TotalPaid;

Best Answer

As per Documentation . Mapping types are declared as mapping(_KeyType => _ValueType). Here _KeyType can be almost any type except for a mapping, a dynamically sized array, a contract, an enum and a struct. _ValueType can actually be any type, including mappings. It not possible directly make an array of struct as value type. But it is possible for other data types, like :

 mapping (bytes32 => mapping (uint => arrayofdata[index_of_array]) ) public PaymentDetails;

Here I changed the code as solidity support for struct as value type in mapping.

struct PaymentDetail {  
        uint TotalPaid;  

    mapping (bytes32 => mapping (uint => PaymentDetail) ) public PaymentDetails; 

    function addPaymentDetail (bytes32 _Wallet, uint _TokenIndex, uint _Payment) public {
        uint _TotalPaid = PaymentDetails[_Wallet][_TokenIndex].TotalPaid;
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