Polygon Solidity – How to Send Funds on Polygon through Contract


I know it sounds like a basic question (it should be), despite that I could not find any clear reference to that in polygon's (Matic) docs on how does payable(address).call works

pragma solidity ^0.7.6;

contract MyFirstPolygonContract {

    string private name;
    uint private amount;
    function sendFunds(address receiver) external payable {
        payable(receiver).call{value: msg.value}('');

    function setName(string memory newName) public {
        name = newName;

    function getName () public view returns (string memory) {
        return name;
    function setAmount(uint newAmount) public {
        amount = newAmount;      

    function getAmount() public view returns (uint) {
        return amount;

I deployed this contract into Matic Mainnet in order to test sendFunds and quantify the amounts. I tried sending funds between two of my accounts sender_addr, recv_addr.

On Remix, I have chosen to send 1 ether on this contract (deployed on Matic). One Matic Token has been deducted from sender_addr. But the recv_addr received none !! It's been about 24 hours now. The transaction is not even shown on polygon scan !

It's worth noting that function sendFunds worked as expected on Mumbai testnet though.


The contracts are deployed in different networks having the same address

I did that exact transaction on the testnet 0.1 MATIC
https://explorer-mumbai.maticvigil.com/address/0x3918AaECf75aD253E0098fD0ee5C11d854BE9de6/transactions (this was successful)

While I did those two transactions added 1.001 MATIC on the matic mainnet
https://polygonscan.com/address/0x3918aaecf75ad253e0098fd0ee5c11d854be9de6 (failed to send to recv_addr)

Best Answer

The issue is that your contract is not deployed on Mainnet.

It is deployed on Testnet, but on Mainnet there is no contract code associated with the address.

You should try to deploy it again on Mainnet. As you know, if you use the same address and same nonce as on testnet, you should have the same address for your Mainnet contract.

If you want to receive the MATIC that you sent to the address back, you should add a withdraw function to your contract that transfers all the contract balance to msg.sender. Otherwise, this MATIC will be lost forever.

EDIT: I think that this is your contract on Mainnet. The address is not the same as on Testnet, althought they both start by 0x39! You called the wrong address on Mainnet.

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