[Ethereum] How does CryptoKitties track time


I'm looking at KittyBreeding.sol and see

 /// @dev Set the cooldownEndTime for the given Kitty, based on its current cooldownIndex.
    ///  Also increments the cooldownIndex (unless it has hit the cap).
    /// @param _kitten A reference to the Kitty in storage which needs its timer started.
    function _triggerCooldown(Kitty storage _kitten) internal {
        // Compute the end of the cooldown time (based on current cooldownIndex)
        _kitten.cooldownEndTime = uint64(now + cooldowns[_kitten.cooldownIndex]);

but I don't see where "now" is defined, except in their kitty-core.test.js

How does this DAPP track time, which lets the website show timers?

Best Answer

now is a Solidity special variable, which equates to the current time since the epoch, in seconds.

From the documentation (linked above):

now (uint): current block timestamp (alias for block.timestamp)