[Ethereum] How does EtherScan know I am sending to a Shapeshift/Poloniex wallet


I have noticed many transactions on Etherscan that indicate one of the parties is a certain type of wallet (e.g. Poloniex or Shapeshift). Here is an example.

How does it identify the source? Do these exchanges publicly register their addresses (e.g. on IPFS or with an API)?

Edit: Clarification of my question with an example: Let's say Shapeshift does 10,000 transactions today. That would result in 10,000 addresses being generated. I would hope there is no way to control the format of these addresses (since they are SHA3 hashes), so we are left with 10,000 random address strings. How do these 10,000 individual addresses get registered with Etherscan? I have a hard time believing it is a manual process (this would constitute a full time job for multiple people) and I would guess there's some kind of public lookup table or that they are calling an Etherscan API, but I've never seen any documentation either way.

Best Answer

When you are seeing the name next to the address, it is a manual process of associating a text string with that address. It's that simple. They have a metadata field that they can add to any address. This process is not via an API or across the entire Ethereum network. Each blockchain explorer (etherscan, etherchain, and live.ether.camp) do it differently and have different accounts labeled.

As you don't seem to take my answer as correct, here is EtherScan's answer:

Submit links to your official site under the comments section and Verify the Source code of your contract.. and then wait :-)

In fact, after answering that question I wanted to make sure it was correct, so I commented on MyEtherWallet's donation account address. A couple days later, Matt @ EtherScan upvoted my comment and now we have a tag.

Furthermore, not all addresses on Shapeshift are listed. I just looked at one of my accounts and the unique address I sent the ETH to is not labeled as Shapeshift.

However, the address that ETH was sent from (in this case, I didn't the correct amount of ETH so it was returned to me) is labeled: http://etherscan.io/address/0x120a270bbc009644e35f0bb6ab13f95b8199c4ad

This seems to be their Ethereum hot wallet (although this is most likely changing due to the security breach on 4/7) and so it can be easily labeled. I looked around and couldn't find any other addresses labeled as Shapeshift, so I think that your assumption that every address ShapeShift generates in labeled Shapeshift is wrong.

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