Truffle – How to Change Settings for Truffle Develop?


I'm trying to change the settings for my truffle develop node, but the values in truffle.js don't seem to work. Here's what I have there:

  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 95455,
      network_id: "*", // Match any network id
      gas: 47123880,
      gasPrice: 1000

Note that I tried to change the host and port values, but I still see Truffle Develop started at http://localhost:9545/ when I start truffle develop. So I suppose the gas value doesn't affect anything as well.

Best Answer

$ truffle develop

starts an interactive console that also starts a testnet locally on port 9545 for you with default accounts. This is for quick testing if you don't have any node running.

If you want to start an interactive console and attach to an already existing node:

$ truffle console

This will look for network 'development' in your configuration file, unless your specify the --network option. See reference here

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