Solidity Contract Deployment – How to Compile and Deploy a Smart Contract Without Running a Full Node


I'm new to solidity and smart contract programming. I have already made and deploy smart contracts successfully, but always using Mist.

Now I'm not able to do so, because I can't complete a node update with the full blockchain, and now I feel that I will never end. So I'm looking for alternatives.

So, my question is, probably very basic, but is there a way to deploy a contract without running a full node?

Best Answer

  1. Install and
  2. Navigate to
  3. Click on settings -> choose your compiler (e.g. 0.4.19+commit.c4cbbb05). Note that optimization is unchecked.
  4. Login to metmask and choose your network (i would suggest first testing using ropsten test network and using the buy button to get ETH from a free faucet)
  5. Go back to the compile tab
  6. Delete the contents of the example contract
  7. Paste in your contract (it should auto compile)
  8. Click on the run tab
  9. Click on the deploy button
  10. Metamask will open, choose your gas price and click Submit to sign your transaction
  11. Open metmask again, click on the transaction hash, which should redirect you to something like
  12. Once published. Click on the contract address which should be a url like
  13. Click on Contract Code tab on etherscan, click Verify and Publish
  14. Set the name of the contract to the exact name as in remix, Compiler to the same exact version as in remix and set optimization to "No" if you didn't click it on remix in step 3.

You should now have a published contract, with source code on etherscan.

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