[Ethereum] How to connect to private Blockchain


I got some misunderstanding with how to connect to my private Blockchain.
So, I got private Blockchain and I can mine there.
I activate there genesis.json file, made mew account for "coinbase".

For example, I activate my private Blockchain by geth:

geth –rpc –rpcaddr "" –rpcport "8585" –mine –rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,miner" –networkid 57 –ipcpath "&APPDATA&\Ethereum\geth.ipc"

Here I put my laptop address (cause it runs there and it's port). Also, I got another computer. which is out of my local network. How can I get it to my chain? Not as miner, for example, just to send there some type information?

Also, the second problem is with my local network. My laptop has and I connected to my WIFI Raspberry pi and it's address is As far, as I see, they are both in my local network. So, how can I connect it to my Blockchain?

If I put there:

geth –rpc –rpcaddr "" –rpcport "8585" –rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3,miner" –networkid 57 –ipcpath "&APPDATA&\Ethereum\geth.ipc"

I just start a new private Blockchain.

To be honest, I'm terribly confused. Or there is no way to connect to it, if I am not in a local network, not on one machine?

Thank you for understanding, I hope, I will get an answers.

Best Answer

As I see, you have some issues that are appart of the Ethereum World.

In order to not adding more complexity to your process, here you have a very well explained tutorial of how to create a private blockchain (wll done) and how to create a network arround it. You have photos and all of the commands and info about what you are doing and why.

If you have created yout private chain on 192.xxx.xxx.xxx , and that's not a server where you can connect from the external world (only if you are inside your local network) you won't be able to connect any externar-network PC to it.

Hope it helps.

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