[Ethereum] How to convert transaction’s inputs to readable values


I've got the following transaction's input:

    name: 'trade',
    types: [
    inputs: ['ac709fcb44a43c35f0da4e3163b117a17f3770f5',
        <BN: 878678326eac900000>,
        <BN: bf2aa18455018000>, 
        <BN: 302bdf>,
        <BN: dc51da3a>,
        <BN: 1c>,
        <Buffer b4 bf 0 d cd 37 ca 73 bd 5 a bc e9 53 2 b 03 3 d cc 64 27 be 16 06 83 de 11 3e fc a4 13 20 c2 7 f 3e>, 
        <Buffer 78 79 9 d 84 04 0e 5 c 24 58 28 b1 b5 31 ef 97 e1 af 12 49 46 f4 dc 1 d b5 a2 0 c f2 8 a 70 73 b2 69>, 
        <BN: 275dcc081d0c2351e0>

This data came from raw transaction input which is


How can I convert inputs to readable string values?

PS: by readable string values I mean converted values from BN and Buffer types to utf8 strings.

Best Answer

The tool ethereum-input-data-decoder, which you used to decode the encoded input data, returns uint types as Big Numbers and byte32 types as Buffers.

To convert to a readable format simply call the toString method.


// big number to decimal string

// buffer to hex string