[Ethereum] How to execute Smart contracts on a private Blockchain network


I have created a private Blockchain network on my Windows system with one node. I have created accounts and was able to transfer ethers across them. Now I want to deploy smart contracts on this network, how should I accomplish this task?

Best Answer

easy task is to use solidity browser (local version) download it from the github.

1- unpack the zip and run the index.html

2-run your geth localy

3-configure solidity browser to use the private chain : under Environement tab (the Cube) choose Web3 Provider and set your RPC ip and port.

enter image description here

4- to deploy return back to the setting onglet and create the contract(means deploy it in the private chain)

enter image description here

5-to mine the transaction you will need to run the command miner.start() in your geth console, when done use miner.stop().

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