[Ethereum] How to find deployed transaction hash of any given contract in chain, with just “contract address” information


Am trying to write small application which will be able to find Contract deployment transaction with only input parameter – contract address. The application should be able to search entire net.,i,e say Rinkeby and should exactly find deployed transaction hash. This is applicable for any given contract address in rinkeby. I do not want to search with events or logs. Specifically am looking for how to find all the transactions with "0x0" as target programmatically?

Best Answer

I found the answer myself- Its pretty simple infact:

  1. Search for all the transaction from 0 to LatestBlock
  2. Get transactions in each block and loop through transactions one by one.
  3. Get Transaction receipt in each transaction and check whether its deployment transaction ['to' = '0x0'] and if so, get contract address.
  4. If given contract address matched input address, hurray we found the deployed transaction.
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