[Ethereum] How to generate a keystore (UTC) file from the raw private key


If I have the plaintext private key, -how- can I generate a geth-compatible keystore file using Node.js?

I think I need to encrypt it using the scrypt algorithm by supplying a password, but I don't know how to do this. Any -preferrably browserifiable- examples would be highly appreciated.


Best Answer

geth-compatible keystore file can be created in Node using ethereumjs-wallet library:

> var Wallet = require('ethereumjs-wallet');
> var key = Buffer.from('efca4cdd31923b50f4214af5d2ae10e7ac45a5019e9431cc195482d707485378', 'hex');
> var wallet = Wallet.fromPrivateKey(key);
> wallet.toV3String('password');

You can also specify additional options to control kdf, cipher and other wallet params. See here.

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