Chainlink – How to Get All Historical Data from Chainlink Price Feeds


I wanted to pull the historical data stored by the reference data contracts by chainlink oracles. Since all the data is on-chain, I should be able to view it all? But currently, my contract can only see the latest answer. Any thoughts?

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.6/dev/AggregatorInterface.sol";

contract ReferenceConsumer {
  AggregatorInterface internal ref;

  constructor(address _aggregator) public {
    ref = AggregatorInterface(_aggregator);

  function getLatestAnswer() public returns (int256) {
    return ref.latestAnswer();

Best Answer

You can view the entire history of reference contracts, you'll want to use the getPreviousAnswer method below, and input how many answers back you'd like to go.

pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.6/dev/AggregatorInterface.sol";

contract ReferenceConsumer {
  AggregatorInterface internal ref;

  constructor(address _aggregator) public {
    ref = AggregatorInterface(_aggregator);

  function getLatestAnswer() public returns (int256) {
    return ref.latestAnswer();

  function getLatestTimestamp() public returns (uint256) {
    return ref.latestTimestamp();

  function getPreviousAnswer(uint256 _back) public returns (int256) {
    uint256 latest = ref.latestRound();
    require(_back <= latest, "Not enough history");
    return ref.getAnswer(latest - _back);

  function getPreviousTimestamp(uint256 _back) public returns (uint256) {
    uint256 latest = ref.latestRound();
    require(_back <= latest, "Not enough history");
    return ref.getTimestamp(latest - _back);
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