[Ethereum] How to get raw ethereum transaction hash


I searched around for an answer to this question, however couldn't find one.
So let's assume we've a raw ethereum transaction and before broadcasting we'd like to know the transaction hash. Is it possible to find out the hash before it's being broadcasted (i.e. via eth_sendRawTransaction RPC method).

For instance for raw transaction hex:


I get this transaction:

Is it possible to decode raw transaction so that this hash is known before hand?
Note that I am storing private keys outside of applications such as geth/parity.

Best Answer

Ok, so asked it a couple of minutes too soon. As the name implies it's a hash, hash of what? Hash of your raw hex in example:


Hashed using keccak256 (for instance can be found here: https://wiki.parity.io/JSONRPC-web3-module#web3_sha3): and the result as expected is:


So ended up being a short rhetorical question. However if someone has similar question... hope this helps!

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