Polygon Testnet – How to Obtain USDT/USDC for Mumbai Testnet


I am working on DeFi application on Polygon (Mumbai Testnet), and want to integrate stable coin like USDT or USDC.
I have looked into the faucet of USDT and USDC, and found none of them on POLYGON MUBAI TESTNET.

Is there any particular for that?
If not is there any work around for this?

Best Answer

I've gotten some assets for polygon mumbai here: https://faucet.paradigm.xyz/

Including DAI/wETH/MATIC.

Should be able to trade those for USDC/USDT. From a quick search, can trade for USDT on Mumbai here: https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap

I tested it, and was able to swap MATIC & wMATIC for USDT.

I tried adding a little liquidity to / creating a (mumbai) MATIC <-> USDC pool for you. You have to put in the Matic USDC token manually to see that pair, that token address is here: 0xe11A86849d99F524cAC3E7A0Ec1241828e332C62

(There's only 5 MATIC/5USDC in that pool, so only suitable for small amounts.)

This faucet also gives out USDC directly: https://calibration-faucet.filswan.com/#/dashboard

instructions: https://docs.filswan.com/development-resource/swan-token-contract/acquire-testnet-usdc-and-matic-tokens

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