[Ethereum] How to get value history from ERC721 Token


I'm trying to figure out HOW to get a sort of "history" of values for a specific ERC721 (for instance KnownOrigin)

What are the important items to consider? Is something feasible via Smart Contract or it's better to use API (like https://api.ethplorer.io/ or https://api.etherscan.io/)?

Is there any standard way to do that? What is the best approach?

Is it somehow related to "internal transaction" topic?

I've seen online tools that has this info so there must be a way to do it.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

This must be done off-chain for standard tokens.

The ERC-721 standard specification -- http://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721 -- does not provide an interface to query historical ownership of a token. Other extensions to the standard may include this additional functionality but this will be implemented on a contract-by-contract basis. For example, CryptoKitties (as deployed) will never provide a way to get this information, regardless of what other technologies emerge.

For off-chain applications (dApps, servers) you can find this information by searching the Transfer event and building your own database of transfers and other log information.

For casual inspection, just look up the token on Etherscan, they have a website where you can find each contract and the tokens on them.

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