Truffle and MetaMask – How to Import the Accounts from Truffle Develop into MetaMask


I use truffle develop. It seems to me that the accounts in truffle develop are persistent. Pleas correct me if I'm wrong. How can I import the accounts from truffle develop into MetaMask?

Best Answer

With release V4.0.x of the Truffle framework, whenever you start Truffle using truffle develop it starts a new local in-memory Ethereum private network using the same 12 word mnemonic:

candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat

It is, therefore, possible to import the accounts into MetaMask by following the following simple steps.

When you open MetaMask in your browser, there is an option to "restore from seed phrase":

restore link in metamask

Enter the truffle develop phrase and then click on okay:

enter mnemonic

Press the "create account" up to 10 times (as many as you want access to) - it will generate the same addresses as seen in the truffle develop console (it's a deterministic process):

restore the accounts