[Ethereum] How to import the current wallet in Mist


I generated my wallet with geth command line "geth new account", with password, and got my key.

Following a guide, I just downloaded Claymore's Dual Miner, setup the start.bat pasting my key and started mining on Nanopool.
Now I'm about to get my first payment reaching the minimum payout so… what should I do? I found the Mist Wallet to keep track of my wallet, is this the correct way? should I import my key in some way in it?
Please help, because I think I miss something very basilar..

thank you!

Best Answer

You can check your public address here to see your balance: https://etherscan.io/

You can use myetherwallet to send or interact with ethereum network: https://www.myetherwallet.com/

Be careful! make sure you are on the secure https sites for the above and avoid phishing sites.

There are other ways, but these are the ones I use.

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