[Ethereum] How to initialize an empty array and push items into it


Here's my function:

function Test() constant returns (uint[]) {
   var myArray = uint[];
   return myArray;

Here's an error I get in the solidity online compiler:

ballot.sol:25:9: Error: Member "push" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in type(uint256[] memory)

Best Answer

You need to use an array in storage because it is not possible to resize memory arrays.

contract D { 
    uint[] myArray;
    function Test() constant returns (uint[]) {
       return myArray;

Otherwise you need to define the size of the array during initialization:

contract C {
    function f(uint len) {
        uint[] memory a = new uint[](7);
        bytes memory b = new bytes(len);
        // Here we have a.length == 7 and b.length == len
        a[6] = 8;
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