[Ethereum] How to install Mist 0.8.3 on Windows


Last version of Mist I used was 0.8.1 – once unpacked, the directory had everything needed to run both Mist and geth – both of the executables were there. Now when I downloaded the latest Mist 0.8.3 release, the folder only comes with Ethereum Wallet Setup 0.8.3.exe, and it doesn't behave like a normal installer – it starts the wallet right away without actually doing any setup, before freezing during peer search.

What is the correct way of installing the newest Mist wallet so I can have access to both the wallet and geth?

Best Answer

Run the setup file with Task Manager open. Right-click the Mist or Geth process and select "open containing folder".

0.8.3 installs in a weird folder... not sure why. Once you find the files, just createyour own shortcuts for them and DO NOT run the "setup" again. I briefly noticed it scrubs the install folder each time and you lose any files you put in there, but I didn't test it twice... just noticed a shortcut I made with geth flags disappeared from the geth folder when I re-ran the setup file.

I just copied my old keystore stuff to the Appdata folder. I also used the MKLINK utility https://superuser.com/a/902082/165822 to point at my ChainData folder on a different drive.

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