[Ethereum] How to pass an array as the function parameter


I meet the same problem as this question:
Passing an array as a parameter from javascrpt (web3) to a Solidity function

If I call my function in the browser-solidity with the parameter [122,44], it works well.
But if I use it in my own web UI, it throw out "Error: new BigNumber() not a number".
The way I call it is like:




I don't know why. It should be the same result as in the browser-solidiy.

Best Answer

What types your solidity function expects? If it's uint or int then you must convert your params to BigNumber before you passing it. E.g.:

import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
let myParams = [122,44];
let convertedParams = myParams.map( item => { return new BigNumber(item)});
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