[Ethereum] How to remove account(s) from the mist


Running 0.7.5 Version on Mac.

Don't see any possibility to remove accounts.
They are test ones, with zero balance.

Best Answer

Remove the keys (files) associated with those accounts from the ~/.ethereum/keystore/ directory - or ~/.ethereum/testnet/keystore/ directory - and restart Mist.

Be careful to remove the correct keys. I'd recommend backing everything up first just to be safe.

Note also that even though those accounts are "empty", they can still be used to control any contracts that they created, so bear that in mind.


Each platform has its own keystore location. Equivalent instructions apply to each.

  • Mac: ~/Library/Ethereum/keystore
  • Linux: ~/.ethereum/keystore
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/Ethereum/keystore
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