[Ethereum] How to run the Ethereum Wallet software on a private chain


I have read this post over and over again, but I can't wrap my head around the answer.

I too have downloaded the Ethereum Wallet, but want to test some things separately from the main chain (I figured this is a must, as I don't have any ether, nor the CPU/GPU power to mine). So, I have also downloaded Command Line Tools (geth) and put geth.exe in C:\ (I'm on Windows 10). I execute the following as a simple test:

geth --datadir "C:\Test" --rcp

Which results in the Test dir being created and localhost:8545 outputting:

   id: null,
   jsonrpc: "2.0",
   error: {
       code: -32600,
       message: "Could not decode request"

Ethereum Wallet won't run because it can't start a node (there's already one running). Furthermore, I have no idea how to use --ipcpath seeing as it is not in the flags list for geth. Moreover, I have no idea how/where to implement the genesis.json, which I read about everywhere.

Best Answer

Do the following:


geth account new
geth --dev


geth --dev attach
> miner.start()

This sets up a default genesis block.

Then open wallet.exe.

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