Send Ether – How to Send Ether from One User to Another?


This should be really easy but I can't seem to find the way to do it, thanks to the great documentation. I'm thinking I'm missing something big.

I have a function that buys ownership of something. I want to remove amount ether to msg.sender (user a) and give them to owner (user b) (minus fees).

Can I do it directly? Do I have to first let a send ether to the contract and then send b the same amount, or is there a function to transfer directly?

I assume owner.transfer(amount) (or .send(amount)) sends ether from the contract to the owner, but then how do I get ether from a?

I'm using Solidity by Example as a model, but in the Blind Auction example I can't seem to find what function actually sends ether from the bidder to the contract.

Best Answer

You can't just take somebody's ether, so yes, they need to send it to the contract first, but this can all be done in a single contract call. E.g.

// "payable" means ether can be sent to this function
function buyIt() public payable {
    // msg.value is how much ether was sent
    require(msg.value == price);

    // send the ether to "owner"

    // msg.sender is the new "owner"
    owner = msg.sender;

When calling this function, the caller must attach price ether. This means setting the "value" field of the transaction.

I think this blog post will help:


You linked to a very old version of the Solidity documentation, before payable was required to allow ether to be sent. The current version shows a payable bid function. That's where ether is transferred to the contract.

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