[Ethereum] How to send Ethereum transaction with json RPC


I want to send transaction to account this is the command to use :

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendTransaction","params":[{parms}],"id":1}'

and this is the params to use :

params: [{
  "from": "0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155",
  "to": "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567",
  "gas": "0x76c0", // 30400,
  "gasPrice": "0x9184e72a000", // 10000000000000
  "value": "0x9184e72a", // 2441406250
  "data": "0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f072445675058bb8eb970870f072445675"

But I don't understand in which unity are "gas", "gasPrice", and "value"

Before I can send transaction with this command :


How can I do to do the same thing with Ethereum json rpc?

Best Answer

gasPrice and value are both specified in wei, which is related to ether by ether = 10^18 wei. gas is just a number which signifies the amount of gas allocated for this transaction ("computing power"). The default gas for a transaction is 90000. Complex contract function might require more gas. If you leave the gasPrice empty, it will use a default your client decides.

This can be understood from your previous command too, as you used web3.toWei(100, 'ether'), which converts 100 ether to wei.

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