[Ethereum] How to specify an external harddrive as the download target for the Mist blockchain in Ubuntu


How can I specify an external harddrive as the download target for the Mist blockchain?

Hi there,

I am using Linux Ubuntu 15.10

My harddrive is quite full and I need to download the whole Mist blockchain.

Is it possible to specify an external harddrive as the target for the blockchain and if so, how do I do it?

Even if the blockchain data gets corrupted somehow, it won't affect my wallets, right? I can keep them in a folder on my computer instead of the external harddrive, yes or no?

I. e. I would prefer having the blockchain data on an external drive and the wallet files on my laptop harddrive. Possible or not?


Best Answer


Q: How can I specify an external harddrive as the download target for the Mist blockchain?

A: The answer for the Mac version is in Method 1 in In Mist browser how can I move the data (blockchain) to another drive on Mac OSX?. The Linux version is below.

Q: Even if the blockchain data gets corrupted somehow, it won't affect my wallets, right? I can keep them in a folder on my computer instead of the external harddrive, yes or no?

A: Yes. Just make sure that you backup ~/.ethereum/keystore.

Q: I. e. I would prefer having the blockchain data on an external drive and the wallet files on my laptop harddrive. Possible or not?

A: Yes.

The Details

The default subdirectory where your Ethereum data files are stored on Linux is ~/.ethereum .

Within this subdirectory, your blockchain data is stored in the subdirectory chaindata, i.e., ~/.ethereum/chaindata .

Let's assume that your new drive is mounted on /mnt/extdrive1 for this example.

Copy your ~/.ethereum/chaindata subdirectory into your new location /mnt/extdrive1/Ethereum/chaindata using the following command:

mkdir /mnt/extdrive1/Ethereum
cp -rpv ~/.ethereum/chaindata /mnt/extdrive1/Ethereum/

A copy of your Ethereum chaindata subdirectory will now be located in /mnt/extdrive1/Ethereum/chaindata.

Rename your default Ethereum chaindata subdirectory for testing:

mv ~/.ethereum/chaindata ~/.ethereum/OldChaindata_to_delete_when_tested

Soft link your new chaindata subdirectory back to the default location:

ln -s /mnt/extdrive1/Ethereum/chaindata ~/.ethereum/chaindata

Test out your Mist browser and delete your old chaindata directory ONLY AFTER your testing is successful:

rm -rf ~/.ethereum/OldChaindata_to_delete_when_tested


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