[Ethereum] How to specify the network ID in the config file when migrating/testing contracts on the local ganache


So my issue is when I run the compile and then migrate commands everything goes smooth, then I try to test by running the truffle test command and it gives me an error saying 'Error: The network id specified in the truffle config (4447) does not match the one returned by the network (5777)'. This is what is in my config file at the moment:

module.exports = {
  localGanache: {
    development: {
      host: "",
      port: 7545,
      from: '0xFE50B4F7B2921454E9204596b295d2B3648CF421',
      network_id: "5777",
      gas: 6721975

Do I need to have a separate config file set up for testing? If so what does it look like?
Thanks in advance for help and sorry my newbie skills

Best Answer

You can set the ganache-cli network ID by using a flag when running it:

ganache-cli --networkId 4447
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