[Ethereum] How to store a Big Number


I need to determine an expiry date for a contract a for this I use the foloowing code as the constructor of the contract :

constructor(address _recipient, uint256 duration)
        sender = msg.sender;
        recipient = _recipient;
        expiration = now + duration; // Here we determine the expiry date.

However when I want to determine this expiry date for one day (60 * 60 * 24 = 86400 seconds) at the time of deploying this contract using the following web3.js commands :

const thisContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi);
        data: bytecode,
        arguments: [ "0x84f0c8fC2F6bc8394EB77BaAAe89cB6e12C048C2", [86400/*here is duration*/] ]
       from: "0x3455D7167A2EE2d660EE85F8e90C6b3B1cCB7163",
       gas: 5000000 ,
       gasPrice: '3000000000',
       value: 5000 
    function(error, transactionHash) {
        console.log('function exec');
    }).then(function(newContractInstance) {
    console.log('Contract Instance:' + newContractInstance.options.address);

Then, I receive the following error concerning converting the Integer to Big Number :

Error: [number-to-bn] while converting number [3600] to BN.js instance, error: invalid number value. Value must be an integer, hex string, BN or BigNumber instance. Note, decimals are not supported. Given value: "3600"

And here is the screen shot:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You entered an array of one number instead of the number itself.


arguments: [ "0x84f0c8fC2F6bc8394EB77BaAAe89cB6e12C048C2", [86400/*here is duration*/] ]


arguments: [ "0x84f0c8fC2F6bc8394EB77BaAAe89cB6e12C048C2", 86400]

and it should work

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