[Ethereum] How to store asynchronous callback values in an variable


I am using ReactJS+Metamask for the web UI development. Since Metamask doesn't support synchronous approaches, I need to use callback functions to get my public variables. I found that with in the callback function, both alert() and console.log() can represent the correct variable. However, I want to store the value in an variable and display it in a list. But it seems that I cannot return this value or assign it to an existing variable.

Here is the code where numIssuer is a public variable in my contract. num will represent as undefined if I use console.log(num) after this:

var num = myContract.numIssuer(function(err,res){
    num = res;


var num;

I am very new for front-end development. Is the problem with React or with web3?

Best Answer

You probably does not understant the asynchronous nature of your call. In the following example, Line A is executed after Line B. Thats why in Line B you will see undefined:

var num;
myContract.numIssuer (function (err, res) {
  num = res; // Line A
console.log ("Num is: " + num); // Line B

You need to put received value into the list inside callback, not after the call like this:

myContract.numIssuer (function (err, res) {
  if (!err) displayInList (res);
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