[Ethereum] How to track mining progress on Testnet


(beginner question)

I have installed Ethereum Wallet 0.7.6 on Windows. It shows 5-6 peers and 1,230,865 (growing every ~1 minute). Two days ago I clicked on "Start Mining" and the wallet has been running continuously for over 48 hours now. I have 0 ether balance, but according to this answer, however, I should have some Testnet ethers within 20 minutes, mining using the CPU only.

Update: I found an external configuration reason for the lack of results and indeed the client wasn't mining, but still my question is valid:

How can I track my mining activities on Testnet (shall I use the same tools as for Main Network)?

What can I do when my balance is stuck at zero? Shall I check some website (explorer)? Look at the logs? Check something in the wallet interface?

Advised to check the Etherscan explorer I would like to stress I am talking about a situation where I have not mined any block for 48 hours and it shows like this:

Etherscan results

From the screen above (or subsequent links) I cannot see a way to tell if my Mist is actually mining something or not.

As a contrary, if I ran geth on Main Network in CLI, I could see things being processed even if I didn't get any results (blocks).

Best Answer

Ethereum Wallet keeps a log of your mining activity and it is more or less real time. In my case, I have the Mac Ethereum Wallet app and if I click on Develop > Show Log File, the app takes me to the location of the log-files. On Mac, you can open the most recent log-file with Console and then you see your progress. If you are mining actively, you should see something like:

I0208 10:27:55.933072 core/blockchain.go:1070] imported 1 blocks, 0 txs (0.000 Mg) in 10.527ms (0.000 Mg/s). #495315 [94c82d0c…]
I0208 10:27:55.942106 miner/worker.go:514] commit new work on block 495316 with 4 txs & 0 uncles. Took 8.921554ms

Since I also haven't gotten any Ether for mining yet, I cannot tell you how a successful block commit and Ether transaction would look like. But at least you can see whether you are actually mining or not.

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