Mist Browser – How to Troubleshoot a White Screen in Mist Browser


I keep running into issues with white or black screens showing up after installing the mist browser or the ethereum wallet.

blank screen

How to troubleshoot a blank screen in the wallet or browser?

Best Answer

Missing dependencies?

First of all try installing meteorjs and electron. These dependencies should be included in the binaries but some operating systems behave weird.

Is your GPU blacklisted?

Try to run mist or ethereum-wallet with the --ignore-gpu-blacklist flag. This might cause the client to crash. But if it does not crash, you probably run a working wallet by now.

gpu blacklist

Issues with links to blank pages?

Use this script to fix all wallet addresses to lower case.

// Open the wallet console: Menu -> Develop -> Toggle console ...
// Run the following script

_.each(Wallets.find().fetch(), function(item){
        Wallets.update(item._id, {$set: {address: item.address.toLowerCase()}}); 
_.each(CustomContracts.find().fetch(), function(item){
        CustomContracts.update(item._id, {$set: {address: item.address.toLowerCase()}}); 
_.each(Tokens.find().fetch(), function(item){
        Tokens.update(item._id, {$set: {address: item.address.toLowerCase()}}); 

This changes all your wallet addresses internally back to lowercase (it was introduced that by accident).

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