[Ethereum] How to watch tokens in Parity wallet


I love the Parity Ethereum wallet. It works very well. But I assumed it would automatically show any tokens I own if I watched contract that held the tokens.

For example if I watch singularDTV contract, it should show my singularDTV tokens, but it doesn't do that by default.

How do I get my parity wallet to show any tokens I own?

Best Answer

To see balance of an account you should do like this:

1- Go to Contracts Tab (If it is not there enable it in Settings)
2- Click Contract you already watch or add it then choose it.
3- Under balanceOf click on address
4- click on address you want to see it's balance or enter it.
5- Click on Query
6- You can see it's balance without Decimal corrections there.

To transfer your tokens to another account you should do like this:

1- Go to Contracts Tab (If it is not there enable it in Settings)
2- Click Contract you already watch or add it then choose it.
3- Click on "execute"
4- in from account, Choose the account you want to transfer from.
5- in function to execute, choose transfer
6- in to address choose destination address.
7- in value choose the amount you want to transfer (Please pay enough attention to Decimals, Send very small amounts to be sure)
8- Click on "post transaction."

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