[Ethereum] I do mining on testnet, but cannot get ether


I'm doing mining on testnet as following, but I could not get any ether. Did I make any fault? Could you tell me how can I get ether on testnet?

$ build/bin/geth --testnet console
>> I0305 05:12:06.326181    7460 backend.go:591] checking DAG (ethash dir: /home/vagrant/.ethash)
I0305 05:12:06.482523    7460 blockchain.go:1243] imported 256 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 81 txs in 2.911192064s. #42701 [ac4ed672 / 19059a7c]
I0305 05:12:08.438405    7460 blockchain.go:1243] imported 256 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) including 6 txs in 1.955358033s. #42957 [bf3c0c62 / eba3cbc2]
0.720423    7460 blockchain.go:1243] imported 256 block(s) (0 queued 0 ignored) 

> eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0])

Best Answer

Doesn't look like your node is synced. You need to get up to the latest block before you can see any recent changed. Check a chain explorer like ether.camp to see the latest block and to get ether from the faucet.