[Ethereum] In Parity, what is the equivalent RPC call to geth’s txpool_content


There are several useful txpool queries in geth: txpool_content, txpool_inspect and txpool_status. Since these are not part of the general standard, Parity likely has some other name for the same mechanism.

Ideally, I would get a list of transaction details or hashes that are pending for a supplied account. Although, geth doesn't have an option to filter the results by account, as far as I can tell.

Best Answer

The closest I was able to find is parity_pendingTransactions and parity_pendingTransactionsStats.

parity_pendingTransactions is very similar to geth's txpool_content, and gets the job done.

Update: Since I was specifically looking for transactions sent from a specific account, this new method works even better: parity_localTransactions

It only returns the locally-generated transactions. Note that it also lists mined transactions sent locally, so if you only want pending transactions, you'll have to filter them out afterward, using the status field. An example query/response:

curl --data '{"method":"parity_localTransactions","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545
  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "0x09e64eb1ae32bb9ac415ce4ddb3dbad860af72d9377bb5f073c9628ab413c532": {
      "status": "mined",
      "transaction": {
        "from": "0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72",
        "to": "0x00a289b43e1e4825dbedf2a78ba60a640634dc40",
        "value": "0xfffff",
        "blockHash": null,
        "blockNumber": null,
        "creates": null,
        "gas": "0xe57e0",
        "gasPrice": "0x2d20cff33",
        "hash": "0x09e64eb1ae32bb9ac415ce4ddb3dbad860af72d9377bb5f073c9628ab413c532",
        "input": "0x",
        "condition": {
          "block": 1
        "networkId": null,
        "nonce": "0x0",
        "publicKey": "0x3fa8c08c65a83f6b4ea3e04e1cc70cbe3cd391499e3e05ab7dedf28aff9afc538200ff93e3f2b2cb5029f03c7ebee820d63a4c5a9541c83acebe293f54cacf0e",
        "raw": "0xf868808502d20cff33830e57e09400a289b43e1e4825dbedf2a78ba60a640634dc40830fffff801ca034c333b0b91cd832a3414d628e3fea29a00055cebf5ba59f7038c188404c0cf3a0524fd9b35be170439b5ffe89694ae0cfc553cb49d1d8b643239e353351531532",
        "standardV": "0x1",
        "v": "0x1c",
        "r": "0x34c333b0b91cd832a3414d628e3fea29a00055cebf5ba59f7038c188404c0cf3",
        "s": "0x524fd9b35be170439b5ffe89694ae0cfc553cb49d1d8b643239e353351531532",
        "transactionIndex": null
    "0x...": { ... }
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