[Ethereum] In the JSON RPC API documentation, where is the part about sending ERC20 tokens


I'm looking to use the JSON RPC API to automate the sending of ERC20 tokens. Here is the documentation for it: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC

Does anyone know where the documentation is as it relates to sending ERC20 tokens? Thanks

Best Answer

Sending erc-20 tokens are just calling a transfer function for a token smart code. It's just like calling any othe function of any other smart contract.

To call a function of a contract, you need to use sendTransaction api.

A sample code snippet for calling transfer function of a smart contract is:

var contractAbi = eth.contract(AbiOfContract);
var myContract = contractAbi.at(contractAddress);
// suppose you want to call a function named myFunction of myContract
var getData = myContract.transfer.getData(function parameters);
//finally paas this data parameter to send Transaction
web3.eth.sendTransaction({to:Contractaddress, from:Accountaddress, data: getData});

You can add other parameters like gas, gasPrice in send transaction as well.