[Ethereum] Installation of openzeppelin/contracts Library


I have created a node.js project, within which I have created a truffle directory and initialised its project. I have installed the openzeppelin (npm install @openzeppelin/contracts) library in this truffle project directory, but nothing appears to have been installed, although I did not received any error during the install process. The import statement in my project displays the error hereafter:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Full.sol";

Source "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Full.sol" not found: File import callback not supported

Thank you. J

Best Answer

If you run npm uninstall @openzeppelin/contracts and then npm install @openzeppelin/contracts@2.3.0, then retry the import, then it should work.

Also, check your truffle-config.js file and see if the root directory is configured properly to find your node_modules folder properly.

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