[Ethereum] insufficient funds for gas * price + value ropsten


While deploying contract to ropsten tesnet (truffle migrate --network ropsten) I am getting an error:

insufficient funds for gas * price + value

  ropsten: {
      network_id: 3,
      host: "localhost",
      port:  8545,
      gas:   4698712,
      gasPrice:   65000000000,
      from: '14e6b19304fb3c98a73acea5f80d2c056ee5c09f'


The configuration in truffle.js is given above. I have 1 test ether in my wallet account. How can I fix this issue ?

Best Answer

For me this error has always meant that I have not been fully synced. I have thought that all is fine but when I've checked my account locally I've noticed that I have no balance.

So make sure you are all synced up. Your configuration looks ok.