[Ethereum] Invalid ENS name when running hardhat test


Am testing my smart contract using Hardhat, Waffle(beginner) and I can't understand why am getting Invalid ENS name error. 'Should only allow tokencreator to change token creator: AssertionError: Expected transaction to be reverted with Only current creator can change the creator, but other exception was thrown: Error: invalid ENS name (argument="name", value=undefined, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=providers/5.3.1)'

I am referencing the address with alice.address syntax which should be correct no
Below are snippets of the relevant part of my code.

const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
const {deployContract, MockProvider, solidity} = require('ethereum-waffle');

describe("TokenFactory", async function () {
   beforeEach(async () => {
   [alice, bob, james] = await ethers.getSigners();

  it('should change token creator successfully', async function () {
    const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("Token");
    const tokenTemplate = await Token.deploy();
    await tokenTemplate.deployed()
    const TokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenFactory");
    const tokenFactory = await TokenFactory.deploy(tokenTemplate.address);
    await tokenFactory.deployed();

    const aliceToken = await tokenFactory.createToken("AliceToken", "AT");
    await tokenFactory.changeCreator(aliceToken.address, bob.address);

    await expect(tokenFactory.changeCreator(aliceToken.address, james.address)).to.be.revertedWith
    ('Only current creator can change the creator');

   it('Should only allow tokencreator to change token creator', async function() {
    const Token = await ethers.getContractFactory("Token");
    const tokenTemplate = await Token.deploy();
    await tokenTemplate.deployed()
    const TokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("TokenFactory");
    const tokenFactory = await TokenFactory.deploy(tokenTemplate.address);
    await tokenFactory.deployed();

    const aliceToken = await tokenFactory.createToken('AliceToken', 'AT');
     await expect(tokenFactory.connect(bob.address).changeCreator(aliceToken.address, alice)).to.be.revertedWith
    ('Only current creator can change the creator'); //getting error here
    await tokenFactory.changeCreator(aliceToken.address, bob.address);
    await tokenFactory.changeCreator(aliceToken.address, james.address);


Here are the functions am testing from the Solidity file:

contract TokenFactory {

    struct TokenInfo {
        address token;
        address creator;
        address deployer;

    // mapping for address to token info
    mapping(address => TokenInfo) public tokenInfos;

   function createToken(string calldata tokenName, string calldata tokenSymbol) external override returns (address) {
        return createTokenWithCreator(tokenName, tokenSymbol, msg.sender);

    function createTokenWithCreator(string calldata tokenName, string calldata tokenSymbol, address creator) public override returns (address) {
        IToken token = IToken(Clones.clone(tokenTemplate));
            string(abi.encodePacked('Bull: ', tokenName)),
            string(abi.encodePacked('BULL_', tokenSymbol)),

        TokenInfo memory tokenInfo = TokenInfo({
            token: address(token),
            creator: creator,
            deployer: msg.sender

        tokenInfos[address(token)] = tokenInfo;

        emit NewToken(address(token), creator, msg.sender);

        // return token address
        return address(token);

    function changeCreator(address token, address creator) external {
        require(creator != address(0x0), 'New creator must not be empty');

        TokenInfo memory tokenInfo = tokenInfos[token];
        require(tokenInfo.token != address(0x0), 'Token does not exist');
        require(tokenInfo.creator == msg.sender, 'Only current creator can change the creator');

        emit CreatorChanged(token, creator, tokenInfo.creator);
        tokenInfo.creator = creator;

Best Answer

If I remember right, the getSigners() returns a list of objects (signers). Each of those objects also has a field address. So you most likely need to use that address field.

Furthermore, the connect function requires the signer, not the address.

So your line should be: await expect(tokenFactory.connect(bob).changeCreator(aliceToken.address, alice.address)).to.be.revertedWith('Only current creator can change the creator');