[Ethereum] “Invalid JSON RPC response: undefined” when using web3.personal remotely


When executing my script files from a machine that needs to connect to a remote geth node, I get an "Invalid JSON RPC response: undefined" when using web3.personal.* functions.

In particular I have started geth in one workstation with the following parameters:

> geth --datadir /home/user/eth/ --networkid 123 --rpc --rpcapi "personal,web3,eth,net,db" --rpccorsdomain "*" console 2>>geth.log

Initially I tested the scripts by executing them locally, using the following HttpProvider:


The scripts are executed as expected and all the web3.personal.* functions such as web3.personal.listAccounts and web3.personal.unlockAccount() work well.

However when I execute the exact same script from a remote workstation and thus replace localhost with the IP of the machine running geth I get the following error:

Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: undefined

To be noted that I can execute other functions remotely, such as web3.version.api and web3.eth.contract(abiHEC), etc.
So the problem seems to be the web3.personal.*.

I am using web3 version 0.20.6 and geth 1.8.2.

Do you have any suggestions on how to solve this?

Could it be that this is a security feature not allowing the use of personal functions remotely?

If so, do you have any recommendation on how I can invoke a smart contract function remotely?
Thank you.

Best Answer

geth --datadir ./myDataDir  --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --cache=2048  --rpcport 8545 --rpcaddr --rpccorsdomain "*" --networkid 1114 console 2>> myEth.log

Put the IP of your machine in --rpcaddr and try it out.

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