Solidity Development – Resolving Invalid Opcode ‘0x1c’ During Smart Contract Execution


I have written a smart contract to test event from java project using web3j
I have prepared the web3j wrapper java class using solc compiler version

I am using a private ethereum network to deploy the smart contract and execute method in smart contract.

The smart contract source is

pragma solidity ^0.5.7;

contract TestEvent {

    // Test Event will be received by java application
    event testEvent(string indexed message);

    function emitTestEvent(
        string  calldata message
     emit testEvent(message);

Java code to execute the method is

// Load broken smart contract build by solc version 0.5.7
        TestEvent contract = TestEvent.load("0x673ccae08d3c3f50f111fb9e5870c76bbbf60938",
                web3, credentials,
                GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT);  // contract instance
        if (contract != null){
            TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = contract.emitTestEvent("Message").send();

When executing the emitTestEvent method geth log output shows an error

"err="invalid opcode 0x1c"

enter image description here

What is the problem with my source code?

Best Answer

That opcode is a recent addition to geth in the Constantinople release. You need to add the following to your genesis to enable Constantinople:

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