[Ethereum] Invalid sender error in MetaMask with private network in Azure ethereum BaaS


I had implemented Ethereum Blockchain as a service from Microsot azure. The client i am using is from Metamask. I am not able to send ether from one wallet to other and i get an error Invalid sender .
Sending ether froenter image description herem Network to the wallet works fine.
Can you please help.enter image description here

Best Answer

It seems that Azure is deploying an old, somewhat outdated Ethereum client that does not implement EIP 155 replay protections, which slightly changes the signature format in a way that has a nice migration path for clients to update before signers, but not for signers to update before clients.

MetaMask has an issue for adding the ability to turn off EIP 155 Replay Protection protection for these older chains, you can track progress there:


In the meanwhile, you can work around this by manually installing the last-compatible version of MetaMask, which was v3.5.2:
