[Ethereum] Invalid sender when sending Raw Transaction, signed w/ ethereum-tx on PHP


I am using PHP and ethereum-tx library https://github.com/web3p/ethereum-tx to sign transactions but when trying to send them to the node I got an "invalid sender" error. Besides, exactly the same transaction signed by myEtherWallet https://www.myetherwallet.com/#offline-transaction yields a different result. So I guess ethereum-tx library is applying a different standard than myEtherWallet or I am doing something wrong when signing transaction.

The transaction is a very simple one, just sending 0.1 ether from a wallet to a contract:

$fromAddress = '0x0a2E9bBA44b58841174115b4859297D86d6e8eB0'; // My wallet
$fromPassword = '0x...'; // My pkey
$toAddress = '0x7665822efbd0fde3a4f3f57eccaecdc99b8a64a4'; // A contract address

$transaction = new Transaction([
     'nonce' => '0x14',
     'from' => $fromAddress,
     'to' => $toAddress,
     'gas' => '0x5208',
     'gasPrice' => '0x00',
     'value' => '0x016345785d8a0000' // 0.1 eth

This is PHP code for signing the transaction:

use Web3p\EthereumTx\Transaction;

$transaction = ... <the code above>

$signedTransaction = $transaction->sign($fromPassword);

And the resulting signed transaction is:


Meanwhile same tx signed through myEtherWallet returns:


How can I find out why first signed transaction is invalid and how to fix it? Any ideas? Thx!

Best Answer

The transaction is invalid in Ropsten because chainId has not been specified. Fix like that:

$transaction = new Transaction([
     'nonce' => $nextNonce,
     'from' => $fromAddress,
     'to' => $toAddress,
     'gas' => $gas,
     'gasPrice' => $gasPrice,
     'value' => $amountWeis,
     'chainId' => 3,
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